Often I wonder if we doing the right thing to send the kids to daycare. But then, at the end of the day it is me and hubby who have got to raise these kids and if doing it well means that every so often we need a little time out than so be it. Plus, they love their time at Mandy's and I love being able to do some "normal" things without interuption.
The day usually starts crazy; racing around packing daycare bags, dressing kids, wiping left-over breakfast off faces and making sure I have all the things I need before leaving the house at 8:30. Once the kids are dropped off, I have an hour for a quick browse at Stoplight before Bible study starts. The girls from Bible study are great. They are women who love the Lord and who are seeking to raise their families to love and serve Him. It is fun being able to study with them and also to share a cuppa once the study is over. At the moment we are studying a book called "Guidance and the Voice of God" and it has been real challenge as well as a great comfort.
The rest of the day is usually spend with friends or crafting. Today I had lunch with a friend and then spend some time planning my next project. Here is a glimps of what is to come.
4 o'clock I pick up the kids and it is back to the business of mothering, preparing dinner and getting kids to bed.
The day is usually over too quick. The Lord knows we all need a little time out sometimes...
just thought that I would see if I can leave a comment.
Love the material I'm assuming its going to be a new outfit for the girls.
Oh wow, this is fun. I've never even heard about blobs or blods or whatever they are until now!! (I'm very technical I know) Your site looks so professional, well done!
I'm trying not to be envious about your Tuesday's to yourself with Alani because I have to remember that I too used to have them... doing what I can't even remember!
Your vest looks even better than a Fred Bare creation, and I love the material for the girls.
Must away to bed, I'm trying early to bed, early to rise, but still finding it hard to pry myself out of bed in the mornings!! BTW, how do I access this page again when I want to? Please email me so I can be sure to be jealous of your other creations.
Love Peri
the days do fly don't they. Nice choice of fabric too. I have also started a ladies bible study with young mums and it has been so good for me. The book you are doing looks great.
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